
corey e. ·结

格雷格 & Chief Executive Officer

corey e. ·结

格雷格 & Chief Executive Officer

科里·托马斯(Corey ·结)是Rapid7的首席执行官,也是董事会主席. In 2023, 科里被任命为国家安全电信咨询委员会(NSTAC)成员,并当选波士顿联邦储备银行主席. Corey是外交关系委员会的成员,也是马萨诸塞州蓝十字蓝盾董事会的成员, LPL Financial board of directors, and Vanderbilt University board of trust. He is an active angel investor to technology companies, advisor to organizations undergoing technology transformation, and sought after speaker and panelist. He previously served on the U.S. Commerce Department's Digital Economy Board of Advisors. Corey在带领科技公司进入下一个增长和创新阶段方面拥有丰富的经验. Prior to joining Rapid7, Corey spent time at Parallels, inc., Microsoft, Deloitte Consulting, and AT&T. Corey received a B.E. 在范德比尔特大学获得电气工程和计算机科学学位,并在哈佛商学院获得MBA学位.

Tim Adams

Tim Adams

Chief Financial Officer

Tim Adams

Chief Financial Officer

Tim is the Chief Financial Officer at Rapid7. Working in concert with the other members of the leadership team, 他丰富的经验有助于加强和扩大公司的使命,提供最好的安全运营.

蒂姆在科技行业拥有超过十年的财务领导经验, most recently serving as CFO of BitSight Technologies. He previously served as CFO of ObsEva SA, Demandware, inc., and athenahealth, inc. Tim在PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP(前身为普华永道)开始了他的公共会计职业生涯. He holds a B.S. 获得默里州立大学会计学学位和波士顿大学工商管理硕士学位.

Christina Luconi

Chief People Officer

Christina Luconi

Chief People Officer

Christina领导Rapid7的战略人员计划,专注于整个员工生命周期. 她在人力资源方面拥有领先的方法,并坚定地致力于招聘优秀人才, corporate culture, and acquisition integration. Prior to joining Rapid7, Christina was the founder of People Innovations, 一家专注于创新人才战略的咨询公司. 她之前的其他职位包括@stake(她帮助创建的一家专业服务安全公司,最终被赛门铁克收购)的首席人力官。, and VP of people strategy at Sapient Corporation. She holds a B.A. in psychology from George Washington University and a M.S. in organizational administration from Boston University.

Jaya Baloo

Chief Security Officer

Jaya Baloo

Chief Security Officer

Jaya Baloo是一名信息安全专业人士,拥有20多年的安全网络架构领导和贡献经验. As Chief Security Officer (CSO) at Rapid7, Jaya领导着公司内部安全计划的发展和成熟, 与客户以及更广泛的安全社区合作, 并与所有Rapid7团队合作,开发和展示安全最佳实践.

Before joining Rapid7, Jaya was CISO at Avast and at KPN, the largest telecommunications carrier in the Netherlands, 她在哪里建立并领导了安全团队,在战略和政策方面创造了世界一流的最佳实践. 自2017年以来,Jaya一直是奇点大学的教员, where she regularly lectures.

Jaya是NL国家网络安全中心的顾问委员会成员, pqcrypto, and the EU Quantum Flagship’s Strategic Advisory Board. She serves on the audit committee of TIIN capital, a cybersecurity fund, 他也是荷兰广播电台RvT的董事会成员, the nos. She is recognized within the list of top 100 CISOs globally.

Cynthia Stanton

Cynthia Stanton

Chief Marketing Officer

Cynthia Stanton

Cynthia Stanton

Chief Marketing Officer

Cindy Stanton leads the Marketing organization.  她曾担任客户和产品营销职位,并领导漏洞风险管理实践,其中包括产品, engineering, and go-to-customer, in support of vulnerability management, application security, and offensive security.

在加入Rapid7之前,Cindy在Qualys开发公共云和联邦政府业务. She also led Commercial Product Management at Alert Logic, 开发SaaS和托管服务,以保护公共云和混合工作负载. Prior to Alert Logic, 她在威瑞森商业公司(Verizon Business)从事了10年的全球产品管理工作,建立了安全服务组合. 她的安全职业生涯始于伦敦一家精品安全公司的运营总监,为金融服务提供应用评估和管理安全服务, oil and gas, and retail organizations.

Cindy has an A.B. 在达特茅斯学院获得生物学学位,并在麻省理工学院获得工程系统部的工程硕士学位. 辛迪与丈夫、两个女儿和继子住在华盛顿特区.

Bridget Collins

Chief Information and Business Transformation Officer

Bridget Collins

Chief Information and Business Transformation Officer

布里奇特·柯林斯是Rapid7的首席信息和业务转型官. 她曾担任Cerence的首席转型官和首席信息官, 领导公司的全球技术解决方案和质量管理团队,同时交付价值并推动跨职能计划. 布里奇特过去的其他经验包括担任细微差别通信公司的信息技术副总裁, 在那里,她负责全套业务应用程序,以及开发和管理Nuance的项目管理功能. 她还曾在Progress Software担任IT领导职务,并是Daly工程团队的一员 & Wolcott (now Infor). Bridget holds a BS degree from Providence College and an MBA, High Technology, from Northeastern University.

Craig Adams

Senior Vice President, Chief Product Officer

Craig Adams

Senior Vice President, Chief Product Officer

Craig Adams is a recognized cybersecurity leader, currently serving as the Chief Product Officer at Rapid7. Craig在帮助企业建立防御认知安全威胁方面拥有丰富的经验, 有助于减轻复杂的信息操作和社交媒体操纵.

Before joining Rapid7, Craig was the Chief Product & Engineering Officer at Recorded Future, 通过有效的安全情报,帮助安全和IT团队改进他们的操作. He also spent over two decades at Akamai Technologies, 最近担任高级副总裁兼安全和绩效组合总经理. 

Beyond his corporate achievements, 克雷格致力于回馈社会,热情地帮助寄养项目中的孩子. Craig持有Utah State University的商业信息系统学位.

Stephanie Furfaro

Senior Vice President, Chief Business Officer

Stephanie Furfaro

Senior Vice President, Chief Business Officer

Stephanie Furfaro是首席商务官,领导Rapid7的全球合作伙伴关系,并负责推动增长战略, initiatives and enablement. 一个值得信赖的运营商,拥有广泛的背景,建立和扩大全球销售和客户团队, Stephanie在高增长软件公司拥有超过25年的经验, including Allaire, Macromedia, and Adobe. Stephanie于2011年加入Rapid7,负责制定业务战略和销售运营,然后担任首席执行官的参谋长,与执行团队一起领导战略计划. 在担任首席商务官之前,Stephanie曾担任Rapid7全球增长团队的高级副总裁,以及风险投资初创公司的顾问. A proud Boston native, Stephanie holds a B.A. and m.B.A. from Suffolk University.

Scott Murphy

Senior Vice President & Chief Accounting Officer

Scott Murphy

Senior Vice President & Chief Accounting Officer

Scott leads all of Rapid7’s accounting functions, including financial reporting, tax provisioning and compliance, internal audit and SOX compliance, 以及我们的交易财务功能,如应收账款, accounts payable and payroll. 在加入Rapid7之前,Scott最近担任副总裁 & Booz Allen Hamilton, inc .的首席会计官和财务总监. Prior to his tenure at Booz Allen Hamilton, Scott曾在Iron Mountain担任多个高级财务和会计职位, inc. Scott began his career in public accounting at Ernst & Young, LLP,持有Bryant University会计专业的MSA和BSBA学位.

David Boffa

David Boffa

Senior Vice President, Commercial Sales

David Boffa

Senior Vice President, Commercial Sales

Dave领导Rapid7的商业销售组织,在那里他负责领导商业销售业务的市场和增长. 十年前,他在Rapid7开始了他的职业生涯,担任东海岸销售总监,之后迅速晋升为美洲副总裁,在那里他帮助公司实现了1亿美元的销售额,并于2015年上市. 他还在2017年Rapid7新成立的IDR组织中发挥了重要作用,并帮助该组织迅速成为公司整体成功的重要贡献者. 在加入Rapid7之前,他在Oracle工作了8年,担任过各种销售职务. Dave is a graduate of Boston College.

Jeremiah Dewey

Senior Vice President, Managed Services & Consulting Services Delivery

Jeremiah Dewey

Senior Vice President, Managed Services & Consulting Services Delivery

Jeremiah领导Rapid7的管理服务和产品交付计划. This includes Product Management, UX and Design, 并监督Rapid7管理服务产品的交付和运营团队, Strategic Consulting services, and managed Security Services Provider (MSSP) partner strategy. Prior to joining Rapid7, 他曾担任Stroz Friedberg事件响应业务的副总裁,并领导FireEye在美洲的管理服务业务. 在他职业生涯的早期,耶利米支持美国政府. During this tenure, he consulted with SAIC and Booz Allen, and served as a program leader for various federal agencies. He holds a B.A. 他是费尔利·迪金森大学(Fairleigh Dickinson University)的工商管理硕士,马萨诸塞大学(University of Massachusetts)的工商管理硕士.S. in Cybersecurity from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Raisa Litmanovich

Raisa Litmanovich

Senior Vice President & General Counsel

Raisa Litmanovich

Senior Vice President & General Counsel

Raisa领导我们的法律团队,负责Rapid7全球法律事务的战略指导和协调, including contracting, licensing, strategic intellectual property creation and protection, employment law, data privacy, compliance and corporate governance. Raisa于2015年加入Rapid7,并在指导公司成功IPO后建立了Rapid7的合规和资本市场内部能力. Prior to joining Rapid7, Raisa是Cooley LLP律师事务所波士顿办事处的公司和证券律师,她在证券和资本市场交易中代表公共和私人技术公司并为其提供咨询, securities compliance, venture capital financings, M&A, and corporate governance. She received a B.A. 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校的女性研究博士和J.D. from Boston College Law School.

Pete Rubio

Senior Vice President, Platform and Engineering

Pete Rubio

Senior Vice President, Platform and Engineering

Pete leads the Platform and Infrastructure efforts at Rapid7, 为Insight平台和整个公司带来了新的增长途径.  Pete对开发人员和技术充满热情,并拥有高度信任的记录, high energy teams that are driven by empowering customer success.  他在软件开发领域拥有超过20年的领导经验, design, product management, operations and security. 

Prior to joining Rapid7, Pete最近担任IBM云平台开发副总裁, 领导负责开发和运营IBM Cloud核心服务的全球团队. Across his prior executive leadership roles, Pete推动了创新和增长,提供了深度整合, seamless user experience, scale and resiliency. Pete holds a B.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Florida.

Raj Samani

Raj Samani

Senior Vice President & Chief Scientist

Raj Samani

Senior Vice President & Chief Scientist

Raj Samani是一位计算机安全专家,负责扩展Rapid7研究计划的范围和范围. Raj从McAfee加入Rapid7,在担任EMEA副总裁兼首席技术官后,他曾担任McAfee研究员和首席科学家. Raj曾协助多个执法机构处理网络犯罪案件, 他是位于海牙的欧洲网络犯罪中心(EC3)的特别顾问.

Raj因其对计算机安全行业的贡献而获得众多奖项, including the Infosecurity Europe hall of Fame, Peter Szor award, Intel Achievement Award, among others. Raj也是《ladbrokes立博中文版》一书的合著者。, CSA Guide to Cloud computing, as well as technical editor for numerous other publications.

Sunil Shah

Senior Vice President, Finance

Sunil Shah

Senior Vice President, Finance

Sunil serves as Rapid7’s Senior Vice President of Finance, leading the company’s finance and business strategy alignment.  他在金融领域拥有超过20年的经验, technology, and public markets to his role overseeing the organization's FP&A、财务战略、投资者关系和商业情报团队.  Since joining Rapid7 in 2020, Sunil与整个企业的领导者合作,担任各种领导职务, including building the Strategic Finance function, leading Investor Relations, and serving as Chief of Staff to the CEO.  在加入Rapid7之前,Sunil最近担任战略财务副总裁 & Imperva是数据和应用安全领域的领导者. Earlier in his career, Sunil建立了广泛的公开市场和技术领域的专业知识, 在多家投资公司担任技术投资者和股票分析师, prior to which he began his career in technology consulting. Sunil received a B.S. 在南卫理公会大学获得计算机科学学位,在德克萨斯大学麦库姆斯商学院获得工商管理硕士学位.

Julie Sullivan

Senior Vice President, Strategic People Operations

Julie Sullivan

Senior Vice President, Strategic People Operations

Julie leads the Rapid7 foundational teams behind Compensation, benefits, People Operations, People Systems and Talent Acquisition focused on attracting, engaging, and retaining the best talent across the globe. She drives programs and initiatives across People Strategy, leveraging technology, 同时确保与公司的战略目标保持一致,并支持我们的文化和核心价值观. 朱莉在她处理的每一项工作中都能平衡策略和过程, 事实证明,她的职业道德和周到的方法对公司和员工都非常有效. She joined the company in 2017, 在业绩驱动型文化中具有丰富的全球领导经验. Earlier in her career, Julie handled the intersection of talent, total rewards, and company goals for Cimpress (Vistaprint), Progress Software, nypro, and metLife. 她拥有东北大学商业学士学位,主修人力资源和管理信息系统.

Julian Waits

Julian Waits

Senior Vice President, Business & Corporate Development

Julian Waits

Senior Vice President, Business & Corporate Development

Julian是高级副总裁,领导Rapid7的业务发展, corporate development and strategic alliance initiatives. 他在为企业提供快速市场扩张咨询方面拥有30多年的经验, building enterprise SaaS companies, cybersecurity initiatives, mergers and acquisitions. Julian与Rapid7领导团队在公司新坦帕的开业和成长阶段进行合作, Florida office. 他还在推动开源软件计划以及Rapid7的整体努力,以培养一个更开放的安全生态系统方面发挥了重要作用.

朱利安最近领导了Devo的网络解决方案和公共部门,率先推出了9美元.5MM合同授予该公司作为美国空军全球SIEM技术供应商. As an active industry leader and mentor, his professional roles include 格雷格 of Cyversity, 前国际少数族裔网络安全专业人员联盟(ICMCP)和Lynx Technology Partners董事会董事. 朱利安热衷于建立多元化和包容性的团队,以应对最大的网络安全挑战.

corey e. ·结

格雷格 & Chief Executive Officer

corey e. ·结

格雷格 & Chief Executive Officer

科里·托马斯(Corey ·结)是Rapid7的首席执行官,也是董事会主席. In 2023, 科里被任命为国家安全电信咨询委员会(NSTAC)成员,并当选波士顿联邦储备银行主席. Corey是外交关系委员会的成员,也是马萨诸塞州蓝十字蓝盾董事会的成员, LPL Financial board of directors, and Vanderbilt University board of trust. He is an active angel investor to technology companies, advisor to organizations undergoing technology transformation, and sought after speaker and panelist. He previously served on the U.S. Commerce Department's Digital Economy Board of Advisors. Corey在带领科技公司进入下一个增长和创新阶段方面拥有丰富的经验. Prior to joining Rapid7, Corey spent time at Parallels, inc., Microsoft, Deloitte Consulting, and AT&T. Corey received a B.E. 在范德比尔特大学获得电气工程和计算机科学学位,并在哈佛商学院获得MBA学位.

Michael J. berry


Michael J. berry


Mike berry目前是云数据服务提供商NetApp®的执行副总裁兼首席财务官. 他曾担任McAfee的执行副总裁兼首席财务官, 将其, 在此之前,他曾在FireEye和Informatica担任类似的高管职位. Mike还曾在IO Data Centers, SolarWinds, inc .担任财务领导职务., and i2 Technologies, inc. His education includes earning a B.A. in finance from Augsburg College and an M.B.A. in finance from the University of St. ·结. Mike berry自2012年11月起担任Rapid7董事会成员. He currently holds the position of Audit Committee 格雷格.

Marc Brown


Marc Brown


马克目前是殷拓集团的合伙人和殷拓增长全球主管, 他的技术经验如何影响投资组织的战略决策. 此外,他是Union Bay, 将其(私人投资公司)的合伙人. 此前,他是微软公司负责企业发展的副总裁. 在那里,马克领导了包括LinkedIn, GitHub和Minecraft在内的收购. 他还对Flipkart等公司进行了引人注目的战略投资, Databricks, and Graphcore. He holds an A.B. 在高露洁大学获得经济学学位,在纽约大学获得工商管理硕士学位. Stern School of Business, and a J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center. Marc Brown自2016年7月起担任Rapid7董事会成员.

Judy Bruner


Judy Bruner


Judy served as the executive vice president, administration and chief financial officer of SanDisk Corp, a supplier of flash storage products, 从2004年6月到2016年中期被Western Digital Corporation收购. 她目前担任Applied Materials, inc .的董事会成员., 他是一家上市的半导体制造商,并担任其公司治理和提名委员会主席以及其审计委员会成员. In addition, Judy serves on the board of directors of Seagate Technology plc, a publicly traded provider of storage solutions, 并担任审计委员会主席以及提名和治理委员会成员. Judy also serves on the board of directors of Qorvo, inc., an American semiconductor company that designs, manufactures, and supplies radio-frequency systems for applications. Judy holds a B.A. in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles and a MBA from the University of Santa Clara. Judy Bruner,她一直担任我们的董事会成员(2016年10月以来).

Ben Holzman


Ben Holzman


本是创业投资公司Venture Guides的合伙人. He previously served as the CFO of Artemis Health, MX Technologies首席运营官,Bain Capital Venture Partners董事总经理, 将其, 他还在几家科技公司的董事会任职. Ben received a B.S.E. 杜克大学生物医学和电子工程学士学位,麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院工商管理硕士学位. Ben Holzman,自2008年8月起担任我们的董事会成员,并担任提名和公司治理委员会主席.

ben nye

Lead Independent director

ben nye

Lead Independent director

本是创业投资公司Venture Guides的合伙人. 他之前的职位包括领导贝恩资本风险投资公司的技术和基础设施投资工作, SVP at Veritas Software Corporation, COO and CFO of Precise Software Solutions, ltd., and director of SolarWinds. Ben received a B.A. 在哈佛大学获得政府管理学位,在哈佛商学院获得工商管理硕士学位. J. Benjamin Nye自2008年8月起担任董事会成员,并担任薪酬委员会主席.

Tom Schodorf


Tom Schodorf


汤姆是科技公司咨询公司View Consulting的创始人,也是一名作家. Previously, Tom served as SVP, field operations of Splunk, inc., a provider of log management and analytic systems software. 在此之前,Tom曾担任BMC Software, inc .的副总裁兼总经理.’s Identity Business Unit. 他目前是Tufin的董事会成员,也是审计委员会的成员. 此外,Tom还担任Egnyte, inc .的董事会成员., Outsystems, and Kaseya. Tom holds a B.S.B.A. 在俄亥俄州立大学获得MBA学位,在代顿大学获得MBA学位.


Tom Schodorf,他一直担任我们的董事会成员(2016年7月以来).

Reeny Sondhi

Reeny Sondhi


Reeny Sondhi

Reeny Sondhi


Reeny是Twilio的首席数字官,Twilio是云通信领域的市场领导者. Prior to Twilio, 她曾担任Autodesk的首席安全官,负责推动公司的基础设施安全和信任战略, products, and services. 她之前曾领导EMC的安全工程,现在是戴尔的一部分. 她在产品管理领域工作多年,推出了多种硬件和软件产品,之后她转向了安全领域.